Sunday, January 18, 2015


Jan. 20, 2015.   New York City

WOW!  I got back on after being off this blog for a few countries.  Now in NYC and will try to catch up on what I've not written on this piece of simulated writing paper.  Will just get in a quickee about today....    Well, being in NYC is an adventure every day.  Today was no exception. There was yesterday too of course and then all those other days.  But today.... It was pouring rain.  The friend I was supposed to meet gave  me the wrong address.  After schlepping up and down and over  many streets and Avenues, trying to find her, I gave up.  I was also lost.  And it was still pouring rain.  What's  a girl to do?  Ask a gentleman with an umbrella to help me,  of course. Which I did and he did.   So after a lively 2 1/2 hour chat over coffee, we made a date to visit his place of   Business....a slick, New, very upscale for profit  global educational project.  Being a former teacher and very interested in what kids of the upper crust are being taught, I'm very excited to have this visit   So tune in next week when  I promise to begin to tell about a few other adventures starting from where I left off last year when in China.
